Careers Education
Vision :
To provide inspiration and aspirations for our young people, through real-life contact with the world of work. Equipping our students with knowledge and skills that will allow them to make informed choices at LPS which will enable them to play an important role in their local and global economy.
The intent of our Careers Curriculum at Langdon Park School is to provide a stable careers programme where all students are provided with the opportunity to prepare for their transition into the world of work. As a school we intend to raise their aspirations, improve social mobility, develop key employability skills and enhance knowledge of labour market information, so our students could make better informed choices at Langdon Park School.
Curriculum implementation:
Our students will experience a range of encounters tailored to their individual needs and circumstances which will include encounter of workplaces, and employers, an insight into further and higher education establishments and opportunities for personal guidance. From September 2022 careers education will be embedded in the tutor program. The materials created will be tailor made and age appropriate for each tutor group ensuring that the need of each student is met.
The most important tool which will be used will be used to measure our career provision will be the Compass Tracker Tool. This will inform us whether we are working towards meeting the eight Gatsby Benchmarks. Our career program will be monitored through responses to our questionnaires and surveys from all our stakeholders including students, staff and Senior Leadership Team. Any provision provided will be evaluated through learning walks, work scrutiny and student voice. Feedback will be analysed and shared with all staff.
Gatsby Benchmark and the Bakers Clause:
Langdon Park School has a statutory duty to adhere to the Careers Strategy and the Statutory Guidance published in January 2018 and is working towards fully achieving the eight Gatsby Benchmarks by 2024. In addition to this, it is also out statutory to adhere Baker Clause introduces in 2018 where it stipulates that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to every student in years 8-13 to discuss non-academic routes that are available to them. This has is promoted during the National Apprenticeship Week, National Careers Week and during our Careers Fair.
Contact: Please contact the careers team if you would like more information about our careers program at Langdon Park School.
Our contact information:
Ms M. Bennett – Associate Assistant Head Teacher – Careers Lead
Miss M. Begum – Enrichment and Careers Co-ordinator · Tel: 02079874811 or email
Our information is updated on a regular basis. The CEIAG Policy is next due for review on July 2025