Expectations of Parents
We expect you:
- To take seriously your legal obligation to ensure your child attends school. We will always inform you of any alteration in times of the school day.
- To avoid arranging family holidays during term time.
- To ensure that you do not keep your child at home to look after younger brothers or sisters.
- To keep an eye on patterns of illness in your child. Check if a pattern of missed lessons or homework is involve
- Click here to access our Attendance Policy
- Click here to see details of Local Authority Penalty notices
We expect you:
To ensure that your child leaves home early enough to arrive at school on time. Your child should be in school by 8.37
We expect you:
To ensure that school uniform and equipment is marked clearly with your child’s name. Check uniform regularly for wear and tear.
We expect you:
To remind your child to pack their bag the night before, and always check if any special equipment/clothing (e.g. for PE) is required for the next day.
We expect you:
To check your child’s planner, and sign it, preferably at the beginning of each week.
We expect you:
- To check school bags for letters sent via student post, please make sure you sign and return promptly all letters from the school which have a reply slip attached.
- To attend Progress Review Days, and other parent/teacher evenings. We text you and send a letter by post and with your son/daughter to remind you about these.
We expect you to support the school in our campaigns against:
- Litter
- Graffiti (on books or elsewhere in and around the school)
- Any non-accidental damage to school’s or any other student’s property
We expect you:
To encourage your child to regard members of staff and other students in school in a positive manner; you are part of the authority group. It’s easier to maintain a united front. Please contact the school if you are dissatisfied.
- Foul and/or abusive language
- Disrespect to any individual inside or outside school
- Any action, word or behaviour on the streets or public transport which brings the school a bad name in the community
- Fighting
- Bullying
- Carrying of any item that can be used to harm or intimidate others
As parents you are the first moral educator of your child. The school will expect you to correct your child’s conduct if they are involved in anti-social behaviour. As a school, we expect high standards which will benefit all students. All the staff at Langdon Park School ask for your practical cooperation in supporting the work of the school.